Submit Your Story

Do you have a personal story of experiencing harassment or intimidation because of your support for a cause?

We need to share these stories so that lawmakers understand what is at stake when creating laws that expose the private information of individuals who donate to causes and charities.

If you have a story to share, please complete the following form.

    Your Name (response required)

    Your Email (response required)

    Your State (response required)

    Your Phone (response required)

    Who harassed or intimidated you? (response required)

    What is your relationship to the person/people who harassed or intimidated you? Was it a stranger, boss at work, family member or someone else? (response required)

    What did that person do to you? (response required)

    Why do you think they did that? (response required)

    How did you respond? (response required)

    When did the harassment or intimidation happen? (response required)

    How did it make you feel to be targeted this way? (response required)

    Why is it important to you to share your story? (response required)

    Do you have access to audio, video or written records of what happened? Please describe and/or provide links.

    Would you be willing to let us share your story with others? We will not share your story until we’ve had the chance to discuss it with you personally and you have approved where and how your story can be shared. (response required)